Singapore Heritage Mailing List
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Re-posting the following announcement and would like to encourage readers of this weblog to join in the diverse and insightful discussions over at the mailing list.

On 10/10/06 12:18 PM, "Chua Ai Lin" wrote:

Dear list members,

Today is the 6th anniversary of the Singapore Heritage Yahoogroup!

At this point last year, there were 267 registered subscribers, and now we have 461. In the past year, the number of postings each month have varied between 121 and 276.

If you have friends who would like to join the list too, do tell them that one does not need a Yahoo email address to receive messages, simply send a blank email to:

It's great to see more and more of you sharing on the list, and here's to more interesting discussions in the coming year!

--Ai Lin
Sg-Heritage Yahoogroup moderator

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