Apologies for the lack of update on this blog. Work had been hell and time in constant short demand. Will be back next month. Happy browsing!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for offtopic but i did'nt find any email fot this communication.

    Hello, just to inform you that I create the museums blogs webring

    You are invited to subscribe your blog to the ring and to insert th ehtml code of the webring in your page.

    Here the webring home page


    Your blog is also listed in my blog sidebar, I hope you can add a reciprocity link from your blog to my.

    All the best


    Mario Bucolo, ABIS MultiCom & Museumland CEO
    Skype user: mariobucolo

    Visit http://www.museumland.net
    The WorldWide Portal to museums and cultural heritage

    CulturMed Conference
    http:// www.culturmed.info

    Mario Bucolo Museums Blog

    Join Young Museum Professional Group at mariobucolo.com

    ABIS MultiCom S.r.l. - Multimedia & Communication
    Via Milano n.61 - 95127 Catania - Italy
    Ph: +39-095-38.70.92

    No fax, just email!
    Email: abis@abis.it
